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Code Api 674 Pdf Free Download

BOSpulse enables you to define multiple scenarios in one piping model. A scenario can be viewed as a context or scope in which the model parameters are defined. Multiple scenarios can be defined in order to study different variations of the piping model. For instance, if you are interested in the effects of an orifice diameter on the pressure pulsations amplitudes you could define multiple scenarios that specify different diameters for that orifice. In fact, you can change any model parameter, except the pipe geometry, in a scenario.

Modify groups of elements in different scenarios.

By default, a piping model comprises only one scenario, called the main scenario, that defines the primary model parameters and the piping geometry. Any other scenario is implicitly derived from the main scenario. That is, any change to the main scenario, such as a change in a pipe diameter, is propagated to all other scenarios. On the other hand, a change to any scenario other than the main scenario only affects that particular scenario.

In addition to scenarios, BOSpulse enables you to specify symbolic model and analysis parameters and to perform a so-called parameter study in which the symbolic parameters are varied in a specified number of steps, called parameter variations. For instance, instead of specifying a literal value for the API base frequency and operating speed of the reciprocating equipment, you could specify a symbolic parameter that is varied from the minimum operating speed to its maximum. This capability is not limited to the API base frequency (although that is a common application); almost any model parameter can be specified as a symbolic parameter so that you can efficiently study correlations between model parameters and the predicted pressure and shaking force amplitudes. You can also use this feature to build generic, parametric models that can be tuned to specific applications by simply adjusting the values associated with the symbolic parameters.

The way that the symbolic parameters are varied is determined by the selected parameter schedule. When you select a linear parameter schedule, all parameters are varied in lock step from a lower bound to an upper bound. The linear parameter schedule essentially defines a one-dimensional parameter space and suffices in the majority of pulsation analyses. In those cases where you need more flexibility you can select a custom parameter schedule and describe the exact path that is to be followed in a multi-dimensional parameter space.

Vary two model parameters by means of a parameter study.

The number of simulations that need to be performed increases linearly with the number of scenarios and the number of parameter variations. Fortunately, BOSpulse can reduce the total analysis time by scheduling different scenarios and different parameter variations on different processor cores. BOSpulse can even take advantage of multiple processor cores when performing a single simulation with the time-domain solver.

To make sense of all these simulations and their results, BOSpulse provides flexible and powerful post-processing capabilities that enables you to quickly drill down the essential information. The results can be displayed in the 3-D viewer, in a variety of 2-D graphs and in textual form. You can compare different scenarios and view how the results depend on the symbolic parameters that have been varied.

View the results from different scenarios and different parameter variations.


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